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Avec l'augmentation quotidienne du nombre de cas positifs de COVID-19 et l'augmentation des taux d'admission à l'hôpital et d'exposition, de nombreux prestataires de soins de santé sont confrontés à la réalité du traitement ou de l'admission de cas de COVID-19, souvent avec un accès limité aux tests. Il est donc nécessaire d'éduquer rapidement les cliniciens et les agents de santé sur la prise en charge médicale de cette affection.

People to People, Inc. (P2P) et Anadach Group vous invitent par la présente à participer à la troisième session de notre série de webinaires « COVID-19 en Afrique : prise en charge des patients COVID-19 à haut risque et gravement malades, y compris l'utilisation de flow Oxygen », provenant de pays plus tôt touchés par la pandémie que la plupart des pays africains. L'objectif de ce webinaire est de partager l'expérience clinique et de gestion et de créer une plate-forme permettant aux professionnels de la santé d'interagir sur la gestion clinique et les questions connexes dans plusieurs domaines. Étant donné que l'expérience clinique pendant la COVID-19 évolue rapidement, il est important que les cliniciens connaissent les meilleures façons de se protéger et de protéger leurs patients pendant la pandémie.

Le spectre clinique de COVID-19 varie des formes asymptomatiques ou pauci-symptomatiques, à des états cliniques caractérisés par une insuffisance respiratoire pouvant nécessiter une ventilation mécanique et une assistance dans une unité de soins intensifs, à des manifestations multi-organiques et systémiques dans  termes de sepsis, de choc septique et de syndromes de dysfonctionnement de plusieurs organes (MODS).

Sur la base de l'expérience de la pandémie dans plusieurs pays,  COVID-19 est souvent plus grave chez les personnes âgées de 60 ans et plus, ou souffrant de problèmes de santé tels que le diabète, l'hypertension, les maladies pulmonaires ou cardiaques ; ou des conditions qui affectent leur système immunitaire. 

Selon le CDC chinois, 81 % des   les personnes ayant une infection confirmée au COVID-19 n'avaient pas ou une pneumonie légère, 14% avaient une maladie grave et une maladie critique a été signalée dans 5%.  La proportion de patients gravement malades semble varier selon l'emplacement et la démographie. Par exemple, à la mi-mars, en Italie, le taux de létalité estimé était de 7,2 %, tandis que le taux de létalité estimé à la mi-mars en Corée du Sud était de 0,9 %. L'âge médian des patients infectés était de 64 ans en Italie, alors qu'en Corée, l'âge médian était de 40 ans. Ce quatrième webinaire se concentrera sur la protection des patients à haut risque, la prise en charge des patients gravement malades et le rôle de l'oxygène à haut débit. Il s'appuiera sur l'expérience du Nigeria, de l'Afrique du Sud et des États-Unis.  


Notre série de webinaires couvrira des questions d'intérêt pour les médecins, les infirmières, les autres travailleurs de la santé et la direction impliqués dans la gestion directe des cas de COVID-19 dans leurs pays respectifs. La plupart des spécialistes exerçant hors d'Afrique ont également une expérience de la pratique médicale dans au moins un pays africain. Le prochain (cinquième) webinaire dans quinze jours portera sur « Inciter les enfants et les jeunes à l'école ou au collège en toute sécurité du point de vue médical ».

Veuillez vous inscrire pour participer. Et partagez avec vos collègues concernés. Merci.

L'enregistrement des webinaires et présentations précédents est disponible sur :


Spécial  Invité

M. Asishana Okauru , Directeur général, Forum des gouverneurs du Nigéria, Abuja, Nigéria


Dr.  Oluyemisi Abdulsalam , MD, FACE, FACP Médecin traitant/Endocrinologue Nigéria/États-Unis

Dr Confiance Moloko ,  Médecin généraliste/Consultant indépendant, Province du Gauteng, Afrique du Sud

Dr Kofo Ogunyankin , cardiologue, codirecteur médical, First Cardiology Consultants, Lagos

Dr Peter Puplampu ,  Chef des maladies infectieuses, Département de médecine, Hôpital universitaire de Korle-Bu (KBTH), Faculté de médecine de l'Université du Ghana, Accra, Ghana, États-Unis

Dr Mesfin Seifu , spécialiste en médecine de soins intensifs et pneumologue, Galion Ohio

Prof. Elias S. Siraj , MD, Dr. Med., FACP, FACE, chef des troubles endocriniens et métaboliques, East Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA


Dr Bedri Yusuf , MD, MBA; Médecin-chef exécutif, Northeast Georgia Physician Group, Atlanta, Géorgie

Dr Adefunke Olawaiye MD, DCH Médecin de famille/Médecine intégrative


Dr Kechi Achebe  

Special Guest

Dr. Kechi Achebe is an experienced public health physician, scientist, and researcher, with more than 20 years of technical, programmatic, and leadership experience in public health and clinical medicine. A recognized global expert in the area of global health--especially HIV, tuberculosis and related diseases, she has worked and led the design and delivery of public health programs globally


Dr. Achebe is the Director of the Office of Global Health and HIV (OGHH). In this role, she leads the development, policy direction, design and technical support of PC’s Global Health & HIV programs, to address malaria; maternal, newborn, and child health; HIV/AIDS; TB; reproductive health services, COVID-19 and other emerging global health threats; and community health systems strengthening, in the 64 countries where PC is present.. She also serves as PEPFAR Deputy Principal, representing Peace Corps to the Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Health Diplomacy at State Department (S/GAC).


From 2013 to 2020, Dr. Achebe served as the Senior Director for HIV/AIDS and TB programs, at Save the Children USA, as well as the organization’s management lead on its partnership with the Global Fund, in Geneva. Prior to that, she was the Director of the office of Health and HIV/AIDS at Africare, all based in Washington DC. Her extensive work experience covers Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, The Caribbeans and the USA.


Dr Achebe also served as member and advisor to the UNITAID civil society board, and as the principal investigator on many CDC/NIH and PEPFAR funded projects. She has authored and has published white papers, technical support documents, and peer-reviewed publications.  Her research focused primarily on developing strategies to reduce the global burden of infectious and non-communicable diseases, promoting health and addressing health disparities, especially amongst the vulnerable and marginalized population, and community health systems strengthening.


In addition to her oversight of multi-million-dollar research and development programs, Dr. Achebe has a strong record of working closely and successfully with various governments; multilateral/bilateral agencies, and host-country governments. She is passionate about community development and engagement; and is loved by the community members wherever she works.


Dr. Achebe holds a medical degree (MD) from the University of Benin in Nigeria, and a master's degree in public health (MPH) from Boston University. She obtained a fellowship in Infectious Disease Epidemiology from Boston University School of Medicine and Public Health and a certificate in management from Yale University’s School of Management, CT.

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Prof Dimie Ogoina


Prof Dimie Ogoina is an Infectious Disease Physician at the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital (NDUTH), Okolobiri, Bayelsa State, Nigeria and a Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. He currently serves as the Chief Medical Director of the NDUTH and the President of the Nigerian Infectious Diseases Society.

Prof Ogoina and his team at NDUTH diagnosed and managed the first set of cases of Monkeypox in Nigeria during the 2017 outbreak in Nigeria.

His research interests include HIV/AIDS, healthcare-associated infections, infection prevention and control, antimicrobial resistance, and epidemic-prone infectious diseases, among others.


Dr Prachi Ranade


Dr. Prachi Ranade is an infectious disease specialist with over a decade of experience in local and international medicine.  She gained her medical degree from The George Washington University School of Medicine followed by internal medicine training in Chicago and infectious disease training in Baltimore.  She started her professional career at INOVA hospital in northern Virginia where she worked as an Internal Medicine Hospitalist.  Later she joined an infectious disease practice where she was a partner for 5 years and started the practice’s telemedicine program.  During the COVID pandemic she was the section chief for infectious disease working in the COVID wards and writing policy for the INVOA health system. 

In May of 2021 she joined the Peace Corps as the Director of Epidemiology.  Dr. Ranade’s special interests include international tropical medicine, telemedicine and the teaching and training of medical students and residents.  During her years at INVOA she was granted an award in excellence in teaching for her work educating George Washington University medical students.  Dr. Ranade also frequently gives educational webinars and lectures to local community groups and other medical programs. 


Dr Joseph Humphrey Kofi Bonney 


Dr Joseph Humphrey Kofi Bonney is a Senior Research Fellow at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana.


He has won numerous grants, honors, and awards to participate in and carry out research projects/investigations, or indeed to be given global acknowledgement and recognition for his work.


His current research focus on emerging and re-emerging infections – particularly viral zoonoses, including Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers such as Ebola, Lassa Fever, Crimean-Congo, Rift Valley, and Arboviruses. Work emphases on studies of their evolution, epidemiology, diagnostics, ecology, and host-virus interactions from molecular to population level.


Dr Bonney has supervised and co-supervised close 35 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Level Thesis and examined master’s and PhD-level thesis at the University of Ghana where he also lectures at Allied Health Sciences, the graduate entry medical program and the schools of Public Health and Nursing.


Amongst others, he is a member of the following societies and groups - Society for General, Microbiology (SGM) – UK; American Society for Microbiology (ASM); The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene – UK; American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; Member, ECOWAS Regional Rapid Response Team (ERRRT) on Pandemic and Emerging Infectious Diseases; Member, African Unit of European Mobile Laboratory Operations for Outbreak Response; Member, National Technical Coordinating Council (NTCC) on Pandemic and Emerging Infectious Diseases;


He has been invited to and attended over forty-five (45) prestigious national and international conferences and workshops where he often plays key roles, presented papers, posters and research findings, and published 52 peer-reviewed articles in refereed Journals.


He is married with 2 children.

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Dr Ifedayo Adetifa

Special Guest

Ifedayo M. O Adetifa MBBS, FWACP (Paed), MSc PhD, is the 2nd Director General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). He is a paediatrician and epidemiologist, with almost two decades of working experience in general paediatrics, paediatrics infectious diseases and infectious disease epidemiology. His work to date has covered the areas of paediatrics HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis epidemiology and the epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases. In the last seven years, he has focused on vaccine epidemiology research with an overarching aim of generating evidence for vaccine policy in Africa through vaccine impact studies and seroepidemiology. He has also been involved in the COVID-19 response through his activities as a member of the Kenya SARS-CoV-2 Serology Consortium. As part of his activities in the vaccine policy arena, he is a member of the World Health Organisation, Africa Region’s (WHO-AFRO) Regional Immunisation Technical Advisory Group, the WHO Respiratory Syncytial Virus Technical Advisory Group, and the Programme Advisory Group for the Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme. Members of the Kenya SARS-CoV-2 Serology Consortium

Until his current appointment as the Director General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, he was an Associate Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), United Kingdom, and Clinical Epidemiologist at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)- Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP) in Kilifi, Kenya from 2014 to date. And prior to this he was a Clinical Epidemiologist at the Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia.

Dr Ifedayo Adetifa received his undergraduate medical qualification from the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, studied for his Masters in Epidemiology at the London Shool of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and received his PhD also in Epidemiology from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He completed clinical specialty training at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos for which he was awarded the Fellowship of the West African College of Physicians in Paediatrics.

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