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Avec l'augmentation quotidienne du nombre de cas positifs de COVID-19 et l'augmentation des taux d'admission à l'hôpital et d'exposition, de nombreux prestataires de soins de santé sont confrontés à la réalité du traitement ou de l'admission de cas de COVID-19, souvent avec un accès limité aux tests. Il est donc nécessaire d'éduquer rapidement les cliniciens et les agents de santé sur la prise en charge médicale de cette affection.
People to People, Inc. (P2P) et Anadach Group vous invitent par la présente à participer à la troisième session de notre série de webinaires « Mesures de santé publique efficaces, y compris l'utilisation de la technologie - Expérience de plusieurs pays », s'inspirant de pays plus tôt touchés par la pandémie que la plupart pays africains. L'objectif de ce webinaire est de partager l'expérience clinique et de gestion et de créer une plate-forme permettant aux professionnels de la santé d'interagir sur la gestion clinique et les questions connexes dans plusieurs domaines. Étant donné que l'expérience clinique pendant la COVID-19 évolue rapidement, il est important que les cliniciens connaissent les meilleures façons de se protéger et de protéger leurs patients pendant la pandémie.
Le spectre clinique de COVID-19 varie des formes asymptomatiques ou pauci-symptomatiques, à des états cliniques caractérisés par une insuffisance respiratoire pouvant nécessiter une ventilation mécanique et une assistance dans une unité de soins intensifs, à des manifestations multi-organiques et systémiques dans termes de sepsis, de choc septique et de syndromes de dysfonctionnement de plusieurs organes (MODS).
En réponse à COVID-19, les pays du monde entier ont mis en place une gamme de mesures de santé publique et sociales, qui sont des actions menées par des individus, des institutions, des communautés, des gouvernements locaux et nationaux et des organismes internationaux, pour supprimer ou arrêter la propagation communautaire de COVID-19 [FEMININE.
Cependant, la mise en œuvre et les résultats de ces mesures ont varié selon les pays. Certains pays ont pu rapidement freiner la propagation du COVID-19 en quelques semaines et limiter considérablement l'impact de la maladie à quelques décès, par exemple la Nouvelle-Zélande, le Vietnam, le Cambodge, Maurice tandis que plusieurs autres ont eu du mal à contrôler la maladie.
Dans plusieurs pays, les cas d'abus ont augmenté et les préoccupations concernant le développement social et l'impact à long terme des résultats d'apprentissage se sont intensifiées, même dans les pays où l'apprentissage virtuel est largement disponible. Plusieurs pays ont eu des approches différentes pour retourner à l'école (quelques pays n'ont jamais fermé). À l'approche de la nouvelle année scolaire dans plusieurs pays africains, la question du retour à l'école des enfants et des jeunes en toute sécurité est un problème de plus en plus important. La réouverture des collèges et des universités pendant la pandémie de la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pose un défi particulier dans le monde entier.
Notre série de webinaires couvrira des questions d'intérêt pour les médecins, les infirmières, les autres travailleurs de la santé et la direction impliqués dans la gestion directe des cas de COVID-19 dans leurs pays respectifs. La plupart des spécialistes exerçant hors d'Afrique ont également une expérience de la pratique médicale dans au moins un pays africain.
Veuillez vous inscrire pour participer. Et partagez avec vos collègues concernés. Merci.
L'enregistrement des webinaires et présentations précédents est disponible sur :
Spécial Invité
Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate , Directeur mondial, Santé, nutrition et population, Banque mondiale/ Directeur, Mécanisme mondial de financement pour les femmes, les enfants et les adolescents (GFF)
Conférencier distingué
Hon. Keith Martin MD, PC, directeur exécutif, Consortium des universités pour la santé mondiale
Dr Tran Anh Tu , Département de contrôle des maladies transmissibles, Institut national d'hygiène et d'épidémiologie, Hanoi Vietnam
Dr Godfrey Sikipa , Président-directeur général de COMPRE Health Services et membre du conseil consultatif présidentiel auprès du président du Zimbabwe
Dr Olaolu Aderinola , responsable des incidents COVID-19 et coordinateur du Centre national des opérations d'urgence, Nigéria
M. Morewane , Directeur en chef du Département national de la santé : soins de santé primaires et coordinateur national du programme anti-COVID-19 d'Afrique du Sud (à confirmer)
Dr Yonas Goda, professeur de neurologie et de psychiatrie, Mayo Clinic, États-Unis
Hon. Keith Martin MD , PC,Directeur exécutif fondateur du Consortium of Universities for Global Health
(CUGH), basée à Washington, DC
Pr Girma Tefera, MD, FACS, président, division de chirurgie vasculaire et vice-président de chirurgie mondiale, Université du Wisconsin, Madison
Dr. Busola Shonowo, associée principale, Anadach Consulting
1,00 – 1,10 après-midi : Accueil/Présentation des invités spéciaux – Anadach/P2P
1.10 – 1,25 après-midi : Remarques d'ouverture: Dr Muhammad Ali Pate , Directeur mondial, Santé, nutrition et population, Directeur, Mécanisme mondial de financement pour les femmes, les enfants et les adolescents (GFF)
1,25 – 1,35 après-midi : Distingué conférencier - Hon. Keith Martin MD, CP
1:35 – 1h45 après-midi : Assurer la sécurité du public - l'expérience du Vietnam - Dr. Tran Anh Tu
1:45 – 1:55 après-midi : Aborder les problèmes de santé publique et aplatir la courbe – Zimbabwe - Dr Godfrey Sikipa, Télécharger les présentations
1,55 – 14h10 : Discussion interactive incluant des questions du public Modérée par Prof. Girma Tefera
14h10 – 14h20 : Expérience de la résolution des problèmes de santé publique au Nigeria - Dr Olaolu Aderinola
14h20 – 14h30 : Leçons d'Afrique du Sud - M. Morewane
14h30 – 14h40 : Comprendre la crise de santé mentale liée au COVID19 - Dr Yonas Goda
2,40 – 15h00 : Discussion interactive comprenant des questions du public Modéré par le Dr Busola Shonowo
3.00 – 15h05 : Remerciements/Futures Annonces - Anadach/P2P
HE. Mr. Udom Emmanuel, Governor Akwa Ibom, Nigeria
Special Guest
Mr. Udom Emmanuel is the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria since May 29, 2015, is a technocrat and refers to himself as a “professional in politics.”
Until his successful foray into public service, Mr. Emmanuel was a significant member of the Nigeria’s Financial Services Sector, where at Zenith, one of the largest banks in Nigeria, he was an Executive Director. He was responsible for direct supervision on Foreign Subsidiaries, Corporate Strategy and Planning, Corporate Financial Advisory Services and Control, Business Development, International Investors’ Relations, Oil & Gas Sector, Infrastructure and Power Sector, Multilaterals, Conglomerates and Private Banking (MCP) as well as Telecommunications sector.
Governor Emmanuel graduated from the University of Lagos with a 2nd Class Upper Degree in Accounting and holds a master’s degree in Corporate Governance from Leeds Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. He is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (FCA), Fellow of Institute of Financial Management, as well as Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (ACIT).
Governor Emmanuel in the course of his career in the Financial Services Sector also attended several executive management programmers across Continents, among them: The Advanced Management Programme (AMP) Insead, France, Advanced Leadership Management Programme, London Business School, Changing the Game: Negotiation and Competitive Decision-Making, Harvard Business School, Enterprise Risk Management & Basel 11, Dun & Bradstreet; Executive Leadership Programme, Columbia Business School, New York, USA, Strategic Thinking & Management for Competitive Advantage, The Wharton Business School, Pennsylvania, USA.
Dr. Jim A. Rice
Special Speaker
Jim Rice, PhD, FACHE is Senior Adviser with the Governance & Leadership service line of Gallagher’s Human Resources & Compensation Consulting practice. He focuses his consulting work on strategic governance structures and systems for high performing, tax-exempt nonprofit, credit union and health sector organizations and integrated care systems; visioning for large and small not-for-profit organizations; and leadership development for Physicians, Boards and C-Suite Senior Leaders.
Dr. Rice holds masters and doctoral degrees in management and health policy from the University of Minnesota. He has received the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health Distinguished Alumni Leadership Award; a National Institute of Health Doctoral Fellowship; a US Public Health Service Traineeship in Hospital Management; a Bush Leadership Fellowship at Stanford and the National University of Singapore; and the American Hospital Association’s Corning Award for Excellence in Hospital Planning. He is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).
Dr. Rice has worked in over 34 countries and was recently Project Director and Global Technical Lead for Governance in a large $200 million USAID funded project serving countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Dr. Rice holds faculty positions at The Strathmore School of Business, Nairobi, Kenya; The Advance Institute for Health Services Management in Prague, the Czech Republic; The Judge School of Business, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England; and the Program in Health Administration at the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health. He has lectured at the Nelson Mandela School of Medicine in Durban, South Africa; The Thunderbird International School of Management in Arizona; Cornell University; The School of Public Health, University of California Berkeley, and Harvard University. He serves as Chairman for the International Advisory Board for Children’s HeartLink, an organization committed to building cardiac care capacity in developing countries, and Crescent Cove, a respite and hospice service coordinator for children facing life-limiting illnesses. He is on the Dean’s Cabinet for the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota.
Dr. Mustafa Hunter
Dr. Mostafa Hunter is an international expert in health systems design and governance with unique expertise in institutional governance, private sector engagement for public value and corruption risk management. His work of over 15 years has been focusing intensively on topics related to safeguarding equity, integrity and responsible investment in healthcare. He has been an advisor to a multiplicity of UN agencies and took the lead on the development of several innovative approaches, conceptual frameworks and guides in health governance related fields. He has been supporting implementations across a diversity of contexts with direct work experiences in around 20 high-, middle- and low-income countries.
Mostafa is awarded the 2011 Rising Star of Corporate Governance by the Yale School of Management and in 2012 Global Proxy Watch named him a Star. Moreover, he was part of the team awarded the World Bank VPU Team Award of Excellence for 2016. He is also awarded the Cairo University Faculty of Medicine Shield of Honor and the Honor of Outstanding Alumni from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Alumni Association of Egypt.
He is currently the Founder and President of Health Governance International LLC (HGI), USA and Lead Founder and Chairman of the Healthcare Governance and Transparency Association (HeGTA), Germany. He is Senior Advisor for Corruption Risk Management at UNDP and serves as a member of the Steering Committee of the Coalition for Accountability, Transparency and Anticorruption for Health Alliance, a joint coalition between the WHO, UNDP, Global Fund and World Bank. He is an Honorary Associate to the Institute of Development Studies UK, Guest Lecturer at the Management Center Innsbruck Austria and Member of the Advisory Board of the Health Management Program at the University of New Castle Australia. He served as a member of the Expert Advisory Committee on Governance of the Private Sector for the WHO-HQ.
Mr. Olaf Schmidt
Opening Remarks Speaker
Olaf Schmidt is Manager, Health, Education, Tourism, Real Estate, Retail Investments, Africa Region at IFC (International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group).
He has done investments across all continents over the past 20+ years. His current responsibilities include amongst others expanding the reach and impact of healthcare investments across the African continent. His previous responsibilities as Hub Lead for MAS (Manufacturing, Agribusiness, Services) in Western Europe included helping build business with European sponsors across emerging markets and providing global coverage of investments with a variety of instruments including equity, mezzanine finance, and debt.
Before joining IFC in 2003, he worked in strategy consulting with A.T. Kearney in France and Germany and spent two years with OTF Group (formerly Monitor Country Competitiveness) in Africa.
Olaf holds a Business Administration degrees from ESSEC, France and Mannheim University, Germany, and a MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
Mr. Bramuel Mwalo
Bramuel Mwalo started off his early career launching and later heading the Business Incubation and Acceleration Centre at KCA University. He was also the first country Managing Director of Global Trade and Technology platform Kountable, managing a budget of $150million (Ksh. 16.5billion). Thereafter, Bramuel served as Director of Africa Business at Kountable, tasked with driving expansion on the continent.
While a PHD candidate at Stockholm school of Economics, Bramuel founded Xetova in 2019, inspired by the need to “empower decision-makers by providing simple solutions to small businesses” by providing data insights led capability to build solutions that spur growth.
Xetova builds capacities for businesses to help them leverage and utilize their data profitably. His journey has been fueled with an unrelenting passion for empowering people and organizations to drive impact. Leveraging the unique lessons learnt from start and leading, a San Francisco based company that saw 250 SMEs access financing in the continent, he continuously innovates winning strategies for African markets and local businesses to scale.
While noting that trends in business are valuable, Bramuel, who also holds a Masters degree in Finance and Banking, emphasizes that traders should not be driven by whims, but that you must be able to understand the context of business in any environment to be able to trade”.
Bramuel’s honors include being recognized as a World Economic Forum Uplink contributor and an MIT Solver fellow due to the exemplary work championed through Xetova.
Dr. Chiluba Mwila
Dr. Chiluba Mwila possesses a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics (Pharmaceutical Technology, Dosage Form Design, and Manufacturing) (focus on novel drug delivery system design, microencapsulation techniques, and assessment of the quality of drug delivery systems with a view to improving tuberculosis patient outcomes – Rhodes University: 2018), and a Master degree in Pharmaceutics (focus on development and assessment of sustained-release antiretroviral dosage forms to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV/AIDS patients – Rhodes University: 2013). He graduated from the University of Zambia with a Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree (Merit) in 2008 and he is a registered Pharmacist with almost fourteen years of experience in both public and private sectors. He also has many other professional certificates among them in pharmaceutical supply chain management (PSCM), leadership, management and mentorship, HIV/AIDS management, and is a certified PSCM trainer of trainers (TOT).
He has over 8 years of experience working in the higher education sector as a pharmacy personnel trainer, and over 5 years in education and development, of those 4 years as a freelance consultant in pharmacy manufacturing, curriculum development and implementation with assignments in a number of private companies and universities in Zambia. He has also a part-time lecturer at Eden University and Lusaka Apex Medical University in Zambia in the Faculties of Pharmacy.
He has a specific international expertise on pharmacy education policy analysis, needs-based pharmacy education, with experience as a member of the expert advisory board for academic institution membership (AIM) of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) which provides policy guidance on pharmacy education and practice in the world.
Dr. Mwila has an extensive and varied experience as a team leader, at both the strategic (having worked as Head of Pharmacy Department at the University of Zambia for almost 4 years) and technical levels (having served as Chairperson of the Expert Advisory Committee for the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority Board for two years), and in working for international agencies (as Technical Operations manufacturing Consultant with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa-UNECA) on the AfCFTA anchored-Pharmaceutical Initiative which is promoting pooled procurement mechanism, harmonized medicines regulation, and local pharmaceutical production in ten selected African countries. He is also a member of the technical working group developing Zambia’s pharmaceutical manufacturing strategy.
Further, he has experience in establishing partnerships between international and local organizations, conducting of needs assessment and development of capacity building programmes, conducting research and postgraduate research student supervision, conducting of workshops and conferences, and publications. He also has experience in working on projects with NGOs such as the Churches Health Association of Zambia, UNFPA, and USAID-GHSC-PSM focusing on strengthening pharmaceutical supply chain management in the public health sector.
Mr. Klutse has over twenty (25) years’ experience in senior and executive management positions and prior to this appointment, he was the Managing Director for Intravenous Infusions Ltd. Earlier to that, he was Head of Finance for Golden Beach Hotels (GH) Limited (A 100% subsidiary company of SSNIT). He has led finance teams for over ten (10) years in the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industry in UK and has a specialty in Pharmaceutical Mergers and Acquisitions, Pharmaceutical Due Diligence, Healthcare Vitamins, Minerals & Supplement (VMS), FMCG, Pharmaceutical Start Ups and Pharmaceutical Pricing Regulatory Schemes (PPRS). He was part of the Finance Project team that successfully floated Goldshield Pharmaceuticals Group Plc on the London Stock Exchange in 1997.
In 2001, Mr. Klutse was part of the Goldshield key management team that acquired the assets of Antigen International Limited including all the trademarks, know how, sales, marketing and distribution rights to the products of Antigen. Antigen was a private pharmaceutical company, Incorporated in the Republic of Ireland, which specialized in the production of sterile injectable therapeutic pharmaceutical products to treat a wide range of conditions including Anesthesia and Rheumatology.
Mr. Klutse, has worked for several Footsie (LSE) and Alternative Investment Market (AIM) listed companies in the UK. In 2007, he was appointed Head of Finance at Ingeus UK Limited. Ingeus is the largest Welfare to Work contractor working for the UK Department for Works and Pensions. Our core mandate was to support the unemployed and disabled back to the work place.
Mr. Klutse holds an Executive MBA (Project Management) from the University of Ghana Business School. He completed the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) course in 1999 and was awarded a Fellow (FCCA) of the Association in 2003. Mr. Klutse graduated with a BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance from the London South Bank University.
As the Chief Operating Officer, he is responsible for the strategic and day-to-day management of the company as well as organization of the business of Atlantic Lifesciences Ltd (ALL). He however operates under the overall policy direction of the CEO and the Board of Directors. He coordinates the activities of the Heads of the various departments in order to ensure smooth operation and execution of policies and directives.
He joined the company in June 2020
A member of the Institute of Directors (IoD) Ghana
Executive member of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Ghana
MR. Benjamin Kwame Botwe
Benjamin Kwame Botwe, the CEO and Chief Executive Officer and Lead Consultant at BB Associates Limited, is a world renowed expert of Medicines Regulation, Quality Assurance and Pharmaceutical Sector Management.
He also has wide experience in Strategic Management and Public Administration.
Mr. Botwe has served for the past 35 years at very high levels in the public services of Ghana and Africa.
He is the foundation Deputy Chief Executive(Drugs Division) of the Ghana Food and Drugs Board (now Authority) and acted as Chief Executive from October 2000 to May 2001. He is the first Pharmacist and civilian to have served as the Executive Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board of Ghana and also served as Rector of the Ghana College of Pharmacists from where he retired from public service in 2019. Over the period of his career, he has been involved in the developemnt of Medicines Control and Regulatory Services by way of policy and legislation development, drafting of regulatory guidelines and procedures and trainng and capacity building in many African countries including Ghana, Botswana, Rwanda, Mozambique, Eritrea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Namibia, The Comoros, The Seychelles, Madagascar and Malawi. Mr Botwe had been a Consultant to the Medicines and Vaccines Program of the West Africa Health Organization (WAHO) and the AU NEPAD African Medicines Registration Harmonizaion (AMRH) Project. Ben has undertaken several international consultancies with other renowned agencies like the USAID, PEPFAR, EU, USP, MANAGEMENT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH, TRANSEC, GIZ and WHO.
Between 2012 and 2017 he was appointed a Short Term Consultant (STC) by the World Bank to faclitate the harmonization of medicines regulation in the ECOWAS Region. Mr Botwe was a Faculty member and lectured at the Centre for Pharmaceutical Advancement and Training (CePAT) (now USP Ghana) and also teaches part of the Pharmacy Practice Regulation Course for the West Africa Postgraduate College of Pharmacists. He has in his carrer served on the Board of the Pharmacy Council, Seriuos Fraud Office (SFO) (now EOCO), the Presbyterian Health Services, The National Medicines Policy Committeee, the African Expert Group on Pharmaceuticals for the USP, and represented the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH) as an observer on the USP Commission.
Mr. Botwe holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy honours degree from KNUST, Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Analysis from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK, Master of Public Administration from GIMPA, Accra, Post Graduate certificate in Strategic Leadership from MSH, Boston, Post Graduate Certificate in Managing Analytical Laboratories from the University of North West in South Africa. Mr. Botwe is a Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana, Fellow of the Ghana College of Pharmacists, Fellow of the West African Post-graduate College of Pharmacists and a Member of the International Federation of Pharmacists (FIP). He has authored and/ or co-authored over twelve publication in the field of medicines regulation and quality assurance and has been cited in several publications. He has attended several Conferences in the area at several of which he has been speaker, modertor or chair of specific sessions.
Mr. Botwe is the immediate Past President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana, Chairman of the Faculty of Drug Production and Quality Assurance of the West African Post-graduate College of Pharmacists and a member of the General Assembly Council of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana