Avec l'augmentation quotidienne du nombre de cas positifs de COVID-19 et l'augmentation des taux d'admission à l'hôpital et d'exposition, de nombreux prestataires de soins de santé sont confrontés à la réalité du traitement ou de l'admission de cas de COVID-19, souvent avec un accès limité aux tests. Il est donc nécessaire d'éduquer rapidement les cliniciens et les agents de santé sur la prise en charge médicale de cette affection.
People to People, Inc. (P2P) et Anadach Group vous invitent par la présente à participer à la troisième session de notre série de webinaires « Inciter les enfants et les jeunes à l'école ou au collège en toute sécurité du point de vue médical », provenant de pays plus tôt touchés par la pandémie que plupart des pays africains. L'objectif de ce webinaire est de partager l'expérience clinique et de gestion et de créer une plate-forme permettant aux professionnels de la santé d'interagir sur la gestion clinique et les questions connexes dans plusieurs domaines. Étant donné que l'expérience clinique pendant la COVID-19 évolue rapidement, il est important que les cliniciens connaissent les meilleures façons de se protéger et de protéger leurs patients pendant la pandémie.
Le spectre clinique de COVID-19 varie des formes asymptomatiques ou pauci-symptomatiques, à des états cliniques caractérisés par une insuffisance respiratoire pouvant nécessiter une ventilation mécanique et une assistance dans une unité de soins intensifs, à des manifestations multi-organiques et systémiques dans termes de sepsis, de choc septique et de syndromes de dysfonctionnement de plusieurs organes (MODS).
Plusieurs études ont trouvé que dans l'ensemble, les personnes de moins de 18 ans sont entre un tiers et la moitié moins susceptibles que les adultes de contracter le virus, et le risque semble le plus faible pour les plus jeunes enfants. Ils sont également plus susceptibles d'être asymptomatiques et moins susceptibles d'être hospitalisés et de mourir que les adultes. Les preuves actuelles suggèrent que les jeunes sont moins à risque de développer des symptômes de santé physique graves liés au COVID-19 que les cohortes plus âgées. Cependant, la perturbation de leur accès à l'éducation et aux opportunités d'emploi en raison du ralentissement économique est susceptible de mettre la jeune génération sur une trajectoire beaucoup plus volatile pour trouver et conserver des emplois et des revenus de qualité. Les estimations de l'OCDE montrent qu'une année scolaire perdue peut être considérée comme équivalente à une perte de 7 à 10 % du revenu de la vie.
Au premier trimestre de cette année, des écoles du monde entier ont fermé leurs portes. Début avril, 1,5 milliard de jeunes restaient à la maison dans le cadre de fermetures plus larges pour protéger les gens de contracter COVID-19. Ces mesures drastiques ont fonctionné dans de nombreux endroits, ralentissant considérablement la propagation de la pandémie. Cependant, les gouvernements, les médecins et les éducateurs du monde entier se sont rapidement demandé si les fermetures d'écoles et de collèges faisaient plus de mal que de bien.
Dans plusieurs pays, les cas d'abus ont augmenté et les préoccupations concernant le développement social et l'impact à long terme des résultats d'apprentissage se sont intensifiées, même dans les pays où l'apprentissage virtuel est largement disponible. Plusieurs pays ont eu des approches différentes pour retourner à l'école (quelques pays n'ont jamais fermé). À l'approche de la nouvelle année scolaire dans plusieurs pays africains, la question du retour à l'école des enfants et des jeunes en toute sécurité est un problème de plus en plus important. La réouverture des collèges et des universités pendant la pandémie de la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pose un défi particulier dans le monde entier.
Notre série de webinaires couvrira des questions d'intérêt pour les médecins, les infirmières, les autres travailleurs de la santé et la direction impliqués dans la gestion directe des cas de COVID-19 dans leurs pays respectifs. La plupart des spécialistes exerçant hors d'Afrique ont également une expérience de la pratique médicale dans au moins un pays africain. Le prochain (sixième) webinaire dans quinze jours se concentrera sur les mesures efficaces de santé publique, y compris l'utilisation de la technologie - Expérience de plusieurs pays.
Veuillez vous inscrire pour participer. Et partagez avec vos collègues concernés. Merci.
L'enregistrement des webinaires et présentations précédents est disponible sur :
Spécial Invité
SE Afework Kassu (Prof.) Ministre d'État des Sciences et de l'Enseignement supérieur, Addis-Abeba Éthiopie
Professeur Abel Idowu Olayinka FAS, FNMGS, FNAPE, FGS, Vice-chancelier, Université d'Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigéria
Conférencier distingué
Dr Tomi Coker , Commissaire de Santé, Abeokuta, État d'Ogun, Nigéria (à confirmer)
Dr Nguyen Thi Lien Huong , Ph.D, directeur général, Agence de gestion de l'environnement sanitaire, ministère de la Santé, ville de Hanoi, Vietnam
Dr Della Komla Adzosii , Pédiatre, Département de la santé infantile, Hôpital universitaire de Korle Bu et membre de l'équipe nationale de gestion COVID-19, Ghana
Bizu Gelaye , Ph.D., MPH Professeur adjoint d'épidémiologie, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts
Prof. Damtew Teferra , Professeur d'enseignement supérieur, Université du KwaZulu Natal, Afrique du Sud
Dr Atinuke Uwajeh , pédiatre traitant et co-fondateur, Pediatric Partners, Lagos Nigeria
Dr Wondwossen Gebreyes , professeur d'épidémiologie moléculaire, Collège de santé publique, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio
Dr. Abiola Senok , PhD FRCPath, professeur de microbiologie et de maladies infectieuses à l'Université Mohammed Bin Rashid de médecine et des sciences de la santé * (MBRU), Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis
13h00 – 13h05 : Accueil/Présentation des invités spéciaux – Anadach/P2P
13h05 – 13h20 : Allocution d'ouverture SE Afework Kassu (Prof.) Ministre d'État des Sciences et de l'Enseignement supérieur, Addis-Abeba Éthiopie Prof. Abel Idowu Olayinka FAS, FNMGS, FNAPE, FGS, Vice-chancelier, Université d'Ibadan Nigéria
13h20 – 13h30 : Distingué conférencier Dr. Tomi Coker, Commissaire à la Santé, Abeokuta, État d'Ogun, Nigéria
(à confirmer)
13h30 – 13h40 : Renvoyer les enfants à l'école en toute sécurité - l'expérience vietnamienne - Dr. Nguyen Thi Lien Huong, Télécharger la présentation
1:40 – 13h50 : S'assurer que les enfants ghanéens retournent à l'école en toute sécurité - Dr. Della Komla Adzosii
1,50 – 14h10 : Discussion interactive incluant des questions du public Modérateur – Prof. Abiola Senok
14h10 – 14h20 : Considérations de santé publique sur l'ouverture et la fermeture prolongée des écoles - Perspectives américaines - Dr Bizu Gelaye, Télécharger la présentation
14h20 – 14h30 : Perspectives et expériences du secteur sud-africain de l'enseignement supérieur - Prof. Damtew Teferra
14h30 – 14h40 : Aider les parents à préparer leurs enfants à retourner à l'école ou au collège en toute sécurité- Dr. Atinuke Uwajeh
2,40 – 15h00 : Discussion interactive incluant des questions du public Modérateur - Prof. Wondwossen Gebreyes
3.00 – 15h05 : Remerciements/Futures Annonces - Anadach/P2P

Dr. Ogiehor-Enoma
Winner of the “2019 New York Yankees Nurse Hero", Adjunct Associate Professor at Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, and Nurse Administrator at New York Presbyterian Queens
Dr. Ogiehor-Enoma is the winner of the “2019 New York Yankees Nurse Hero,” an Adjunct Associate Professor at Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, and Nurse Administrator at New York Presbyterian Queens.
Dr. Ogiehor-Enoma education includes Basic Nursing and Midwifery from Nigeria. A BSN from Pace University, Masters in Public Health (MPH), a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) from CUNY/Hunter College, and Doctorate in Health Administration (DHA) from University of Phoenix, a certified Nurse Executive, a Fellow and Mentor of NYU Leadership Institute for Black Nurses and a fellow of the Carnegie African Diaspora fellowship.
As a community health activist, Dr. Ogiehor-Enoma started a nonprofit professional association (The Nigerian Nurses Association of USA {NNUSA} to help eliminate health disparities among African Immigrant Communities. The association has now expanded to other states in the United States, Canada leading to the National Association of Nigerian Nurses in North America (NANNNA). Dr. Ogiehor-Enoma is the current Executive Director. Through her leadership, the Federal Ministry of Health in Nigeria in collaboration with NANNNA created action plan on public awareness and campaign against domestic violence in Nigeria, established “Nurses Technical Committee” (NTC) that focuses on developing a blueprint for strengthening nursing through coordinated multi-system policies and programs.
Dr. Ogiehor-Enoma also mentor Nurses to advance in their career resulting in many nurses obtaining PhD and DNP in nursing. She has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Her significant contributions to the African Immigrant community, the nursing profession and healthcare in general, have made her a role model to other nurses, women, and African Immigrants.
Above all, she is a wife and a mother, a family-oriented person and a strong believer in “God first, Family second, and Career third” philosophy.
Ms Amisa Rashid Ahmed
Founder and Executive Director of Nivishe Foundation, Board member of SIASA PLACE Trustee of YWLI-Young Women Leadership Institute and Winner, Africa Youth Award 2020
Amisa Rashid is a counselling psychologist and a mediator specializing in peace building and Trauma Healing centring her work on Trauma informed resilience for community building. Aiming at reducing conflict and violence in her community, Amisa is the Founder and Executive Director of Nivishe Foundation whose main objective is building community resilient using Trauma informed programs for peaceful social cohesion to her community by creating safe spaces and offering psychosocial support to victims of violence. Being an individual who values inclusivity she has pioneered Nivishe in offering Mental Health services through sign languages which since its commencement has managed to serve 200 individuals with hearing Aid challenges. To have a holistic approach in her field she is also a 2020 IPHRD (International Peace and Human Rights Development) Africa Fellow as a young woman Mediator Ambassador. She is the also the only Kenyan chosen among 10 participants globally to participate in the 2021 Orygen Global fellowship for young Mental Health Advocates.
Additionally, she is the board member of SIASA PLACE that deals with issue of youth and Governance as well as Board of trustees of YWLI-Yong women Leadership Institute and a Board of Director at RHIZE which focuses on building a world of connected, growing and impactful nonviolent grassroots movements that transform societies through developing systems of liberation that promote peace, inclusion, justice and people-powered democratic societies globally. She is also the youngest global board of director at Restless development as well as a board of director for Amrell international School. Amisa is a Public Policy Enthusiast as she aims in creating more changes in her space using Policies hence a fellow for the Future Africa program.
On a personal level she is involved in mentoring other women and Girls to pursue leadership positions both in the community and in organizations since she comes from the Marginalized Nubian community in Kenya where there is a lot of stigmatizations in relations to women and leadership. This year alone Amisa who is also a YALI alumni was recognised and awarded as the 2021 African Youth of the Year, the 2021 Second Finalist for the Positive Role Model category in Eastern Africa in the 9th Gender Mainstreaming Award and the 2021 Finalist in the Spirit of Philanthropy – Individual Award –for the East Africa Philanthropy Awards (EAPA).
As a community leader, she was among the top 70 out of over 1000 applicants of the Ms President Program whose aim is to create the possibility of Kenya having a woman president and highlighting the roles of women in leadership position. Her passion and enthusiasm in community work led her to be the First runners up in the 2019 annual EANA – East Africa Nubian Awards. She is a professional mentor in Kamilimu, Akilidada and Akirachix which are Organizations that support youth from all walks of life and background in Kenya, especially young women in STEM. She was recognised as the 2019 Akilidada Mentor of the year.

Imam Dr. Telal Y. Eid
Executive Director of the Islamic Institution of Boston; Professor of Arts of Ministry at Hartford Seminary, USA. Has spoken in at least five African countries
Talal Y. Eid is the Imam and the Executive Director of the Islamic Institute of Boston, serving the Muslim community at large. He is Adjunct Professor of Arts of Ministry at Hartford Seminary. He has a Doctor of Theology (Th.D. – 2005) in Comparative Religion. Harvard University, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA. Thesis titled, “Marriage, Divorce, and Child Custody as Experienced by American Muslims: Religious, Social, and Legal Considerations.”, Master of Theological Studies (MTS – 1991) in Harvard Divinity School and Bachelor Degree in Islamic Law, al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, School of Islamic Sciences & Law, 1974.
Previously, Talel Y. Eid has served the Muslim community in the greater Boston, MA since 1982, as the Imam and Religious Director of the Islamic Center of New England, 1982-2005. Telal Y. Eid was also the Muslim chaplain at Brandeis University, the Massachusetts General Hospital & the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. In addition, he served as the Imam & Director of Religious Affairs at the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo from June 2015-June 2019. He officiates marriage and interfaith marriage and conduct funeral arrangements over 30 years of experience as an Imām and marital and family therapist.
Telal Y. Eid was an Expert on Issues related to International Religious Freedom, Consultant, specialist, and expert on Islamic law, including issues of youth, Islamic Will and inheritance, marriage, marital dispute and conflict, marital violence and spouse abuse, divorce, divorce abuse, and child custody. Besides being a theologian, Telal Eid is an expert on Interfaith Dialogue and Muslims-Christians-Jewish Relations and Issues related to Islamic pastoral care and counseling. On May 14, 2007 until June 7, 2011, Imam Eid was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve as a Commissioner at the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. He completed two terms of his appointment as a Presidential Appointee Commissioner, 1st term (2 years) under President George W. Bush and 2nd term (2 years+) under President Barack H. Obama. During that period, in addition to once/twice monthly meetings in DC, he conducted with colleague Commissioners Diplomatic mission trips related to Religious Freedom and as a US speaker at the request of the State Department to: Afghanistan (as a US Speaker), Bahrain (as a US Speaker), Bangladesh (2015 as a US Speaker), Brussels (Belgium), Bucharest (Romania), Chad (Twice 2012 & 2014 as a US Speaker), Egypt (3 times, one as a US Speaker), Erbil (Iraq), France, Geneva (Switzerland), Indonesia, Jordan, Kuwait (as a US Speaker), Malaysia (as a Presidential Delegate), Mauritania (2016 as a US Speaker), Morocco, Nigeria (4 times), Montenegro (2017 as a US Speaker), Philippines (as a US Speaker & as a Commissioner), Qatar (as a US Speaker), Rome (Italy), Saudi Arabia (twice), South Korea, Sudan (Khartoum and Juba twice), Syria, Cyprus (north and south), Turkey, Turkmenistan, Vienna (Austria), and Vietnam (twice).

Dr. Adetoye John Oguntomilade
Ordained Christian Minister who has served in Nigeria, Mozambique, South Africa and United States (Jesus House, Washington DC) and Public Health Professional
Dr. Adeoye John Oguntomilade, BDS, MPH, PhD is an ordained Christian Minister, John Maxwell Certified Speaker, Certified Executive Coach, Public Health Professional, and an Active duty Commissioned Officer.
He began his career as a Dentist in Nigeria and has since earned his MPH and PhD in Public Health in the United States. During his career, he has served as an Adjunct professor and Program Director for HIV Programs in the U.S. and provided oversight to HIV programs in multiple countries across the sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean.
His global health activities have included travels to Guyana, Haiti, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Nigeria, Mozambique, and South Africa providing technical assistance to build local capacity to manage public health programs in collaboration with in- country partners including faith-based organizations.
Adeoye has also served in many ministerial capacities including in Nigeria, Mozambique, South Africa, and the U.S. where he served as an Associate Pastor in Jesus House DC (Silver Spring, Maryland). His ministerial work is focused on motivating people to fulfill their purpose and excel in their career.
Dr. Oguntomilade, has also served as a speaker at several scientific conferences and led coaching seminars for government and nonprofit organizations.

Dr Wilfred (Wil) Ngwa
Chair of the Constituency for Africa (CFA)’s Africa Health and Infrastructure Committee, Founding Director of the Global Health Catalyst launched at Harvard Medical School School, Distinguished Professor of Public Health, Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, Chair of Lancet Commission for Sub-Saharan Africa, Founder of the Global Oncology University,
Chair of the Constituency for Africa (CFA)’s Africa Health and Infrastructure Committee, and advisor to the Africa Centers for Disease Control
Founding Director of the Global Health Catalyst launched at Harvard Medical School since 2015 with focus on catalyzing high impact collaborations between the USA and Africa to reduce global health disparities, currently being expanded to involve different world leading universities and HBCUs
Distinguished Professor of Public Health,
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Chair of Lancet Commission for Sub-Saharan Africa
Founder of the Global Oncology University, an award-winning collaborative education model that offers everyone access to the same world class education and training available from professors at the world’s best institutions.
Co-leader of the Africa-Oxford-Harvard-Hopkins clinical trials network with planned multi-center clinical trials on leading cancers in Africa
Dr Ngwa has won numerous awards including 17 prestigious awards/honors over the past 5 years alone at Harvard, from the United States National Institutes of Health, USA and international professional societies and organizations for his leading efforts in global health that have led to the establishment of new healthcare institutions and cancer centers in Africa, trained thousands of healthcare professionals, and established win-win collaborations for global health and economic development
He was obtained bachelors degree at University of Buea Camerroon, Masters and doctoral degrees at University of Leipzig Germany, and postdoctocal and clinical training at MD Anderson Cancer Center and Harvard Medical School

Rahel Mulugeta
Clinical nurse, senior health extension worker, Semit Health Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Coming up soon.....
Anadach Group LLC est une société de conseil stratégique en soins de santé qui se concentre sur la fourniture de conseils et de services innovants aux clients et partenaires intéressés par la transformation des systèmes de santé dans les marchés émergents et les économies en développement. Notre mission est d'améliorer considérablement l'accès à des services et produits de santé de qualité dans les pays émergents en améliorant les solutions aux défis majeurs auxquels sont confrontés les soins de santé.
People to People (P2P) est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif dédiée à l'amélioration des soins de santé et à la réduction de la propagation des maladies, en particulier en Éthiopie et dans les communautés de la diaspora. P2P s'efforce de mobiliser la diaspora éthiopienne mondiale pour qu'elle joue un rôle actif dans l'atténuation de l'impact de la fuite des cerveaux et pour susciter une passion pour la réalisation de notre responsabilité partagée de redonner. Doté d'idées innovantes, de précieux réseaux transnationaux, de connaissances et d'expertise, de valeurs fortes et de nouvelles compétences technologiques, notre réseau est prêt à relever de nombreux défis auxquels sont confrontées les communautés et les institutions en Éthiopie et ailleurs. Il y a actuellement plus de 5 000 membres P2P dans le monde, y compris des médecins et d'autres professionnels qui s'efforcent de faire une différence dans la vie des autres. P2P détient également le statut consultatif auprès du Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies (UNESCO).